Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Saraband (2003) by Ingmar Bergman

poate in asteptarea unei saptamani plina de filme pe care imi doream sa le vad si revad, dar pentru care nu am timp acum, revizitez aceste pseudo-cronici de vara trecuta si vreau sa gust putin din ce apare pe aici. sa ne intoarcem la un final. Saraband.

vintage Bergman: 10 capitole foarte bine portionate, un ritm controlat la sange, cadrele specifice, actorii bine cunoscuti, cursivitatea bine cunoscuta, static pana cand devine fascinant, 4 personaje care te tin in scaun pe toata durata filmului facut pentru TV.

Bergman isi incheie conturile si isi inchide lanterna magica. un film realizat la 86 de ani, dupa ce spusese in 1982 ca Fanny and Alexander este ultimul sau film. Saraband ramane filmul sa de sfarsit, un film de o sinceritate criminala si de o forta uluitoare.

un film despre nefericire sau despre dorinta de nefericire; mereu ne dorim ceva mai sus decat nevoia noastra primara de a fi multumiti, granita propriei fericiri devine granita unei patologii sociale.

cum ar spune un critic de film: Bergman - game over.

Querelle (1982) by Fassbinder

"But what's normal?"—Nono

Jean Genet este revizitat şi începe să prinda forta mai ales prin lentilele fascinante ale lui Fassbinder. Cel mai gay film din istorie. Şi cel mai lucrat, acelaşi univers feeric, acelaşi registru nonrealist, dar atât de aproape de noi. Viaţa de pe peliculă omoară viaţa. Filmul lui Fassbinder e mai viu decât orice alt documentar despre această lume ascunsă şi impenetrabilă a homosexualităţii din porturi, cu toate fetişurile şi clişeele sale.

Querelle, povestea unui marinar (Bruce Davis) ancorat in Brest, este un eseu suprarealist asupra descoperirii sexualitatii. Bazat pe romanul lui Genet, Querelle de Brest, filmul adreseaza diverse forme de sexualitate si iubire.

Brest este orasul in care nimic nu este ceea ce pare, Querelle fiind un film greu de privit si greu de inteles. Citindu-l pe Genet, imaginile se limpezesc si povestea devine familiara. Genet era un hot si un peste, gay iesit din closet si artist pe deasupra. Scrierile sale mizau pe confruntarea autoritatii morale prin atacarea sensibilitatilor audientei. Fassbinder imbratiseaza total punctul de vedere al lui Genet, scotand la suprafata un artist care s-a autodepasit. Acesta este ultimul Fassbinder, cel de dinaintea sinuciderii, bazat si el pe realitatile dureroase, pe lupta personajului de a depasi presiunea saraciei si a controlului social, ceea ce dezumanizaza iremediabil. Brechtian calculat, Fassbinder foloseste ingredientele magice foarte atent, exagereaza cu stil si isi gandeste in amanunt distantarea jocului actorilor, scopul ultim fiind critica politica prin intermediul produsului artistic.

Un atac concertat asupra conventiilor referitoare la identitatea sexuala asa cum apar in film. Fassbinder pare a-si repeta propria sa sinucidere in Querelle.

Supremul narcisist, Querelle isi foloseste propria sexualitate in manipularea celorlalti, seducand barbati si femei, scopul sau fiind unul extrem de dificil: propria anihilare. daca o crima e usor de realizat, asemeni unui sarut, sinuciderea este gestul maxim pe care Querelle il urmareste.

Il Vangelo secondo Matteo (1964)

regia: Pier Paolo Pasolini

Evanghelia dupa Matei, vazuta cinematic de un regizor militant ateu, gay si marxist pe deasupra. Totul ca parte intr-un dialog cu tinerii necredinciosi, propus de Papa. Pasolini nu incerca o ridicare in slavi, o glorificare a personajelor sale, e mai mult o incercare de a reda povestea neo-realist, pornind insa de la Evanghelie, ceea ce da si titlul, fara comentarii extratextuale, fara sentimentalizari si romantari. Faptul ca nu este povestea unui personaj, ci punerea pe film a unei scrieri, trebuie tinut minte de la bun inceput.

Mel Gibson a filmat The Passions in aceeasi locatie, un orasel italian foarte sarac. Desigur, cu o importanta diferenta de perspectiva!

Un film creat din imagini, aproape total lipsit de dialog, doar afirmatii rupte total de scenele anterioare, cu actori neprofesionisti (Isus e jucat de un student spaniol la economie pe care Pasolini il cunoaste accidental si ii ofera rolul), majoritatea personajelor sunt jucate de tarani iar Maria e jucata de propria mama a regizorului.

Pasolini descrie in mod poetic un radical nu chiar asa de oarecare, cu greu acceptat de orice societate, care trebuie sa dispara. Nu insista pe scenele dure ale povestii, pe partea transcedentala, ci pe programul politic.

Un film greu de urmarit, mie mi-a luat peste 20 de ore, multe pauze, reveniri, pauze etc. Austeritatea imaginii devine dificil de digerat in conexiune cu tematica atat de grea. Sentimentul meu final este unul neasteptat: acceptare a discursului religios, intelegere pasnica a demersului si dorinta de revedere a intregului film. As vrea sa il vad la cinema cu sonorul maxim. Din punctul asta de vedere, Pasolini face un imens serviciu nemeritat crestinismului.

Sartre i-a spus lui Pasolini dupa proiectia filmului in Notre Dame : Stalin l-a recuperat pe Ivan cel Groaznic, marxistii nu il mai pot recupera pe Isus. Aici sunt de acord: cred ca mesajul de stanga a fost recuperat pe o cale dibace de catolicism mai ales, cel putin la nivel estetic. Nu invers.

Weekend (1967) by Jean Luc Godard

un cuplu haituit de un cosmar care nu se mai termina, un film per se, film 100%, no reality whatsoever, genial, violent, scarbos, canibalistic si politic. emily bronte is literally burning!!!
apocalipsa dupa godard, ma gandeam ca filmul are 40 de ani, dar inca te mai sperie. revoltator si iritant. exact ce ai nevoie pentru o vineri dupa amiaza.

brechtianism pur, sfarsitul consumerismului, sfarsitul cinematografiei, postmodernism agresiv avant-la-lettre.

The traffic jam shows us a civilization that has gotten clogged up in its own artifacts. (Roger Ebert) si tot filmul e un traffic jam, lumea ne apare ca un cimitir de masini in flacari (personal: cum arati asta pe scena?)

the most peculiar odyssey since Gulliver's. They meet historical figures, they walk through scenes from other movies, they are casually raped, they see bodies set afire. This is a radical, bitter view of society, and Godard is at pains to dismiss any optimistic liberal solutions. (tot Roger Ebert)

culturalizarea maselor de tarani prin cantari la pian, discursuri sforaitoare in timpul mesei despre foamea din Africa, bucataria din final in care personajele sint mancate intr-o tocana care mai contine animale proaspat omorate, un univers atat te viu incat te sperie mai tare ca cel mai groaznic horror.

take a weekend!


conditiile vietii, cacatul si basinile si pisatul si sudoarea si mucii vietii.

nu am putut da delete la nici un cuvant. Burroughs again si prietenii stiu de ce sau ce si cum. kestii de pe un blog mult mai vechi:

nu te poti lupta si mai bine nu raspunzi unui critic, indiferent cat de absurda poate fi critica. nu il lasa sa iti fluture carpa, asa cum se zice pe la corride. niciodata nu vanezi carpa, indiferent de conditii.

cuvant cuvant pur. coloane intregi, pagini intregi, nici o imagine vizuala.

daca vrei sa distrugi un individ sau o societate, e simplu. marele bill ne explica: Distruge/i visele. asta se intampla acum la o scara globala.

visam ca sa uitam.

visele au functia de a dezvata si a curata creierele de conexiunile nedorite. ceea ce ne trece prin cap in timpul visului este o curatenie neuronala generala. amintirea lor poate fi daunatoare. curatenia trebuie sa ramana locala.

produ primul sobolan care sa contina toti virusii, e mult mai productiv. in loc sa ne straduim sa tinem sobolanul in viata, mai bine sa tinem celule canceroase in viata. in loc sa tinem pacientul in viata, mai bine tinem moartea in viata. daca poate deveni Moarte, nu poate muri. in loc sa ne alaturam retardatei profesiuni medicale si sa incercam cu disperare sa tinem Moartea afara, de ce sa nu lasam Moartea sa intre?

moartea este la fel de prozaica precum ziarul zilnic pentru o minte plata sau o plosca pentru canceros. nu poate fi nimic dincolo, de vreme ce nu e nimic inainte sau pe laturi in acest loc gol si mort, fara scop sau inteles.

pentru a transcende viata trebuie sa transcenzi conditiile vietii, cacatul si basinile si pisatul si sudoarea si mucii vietii.

roaga-te doar si vei fi pe calea cea dreapta. roaga-te si crezi. crezi o minciuna evidenta si roaga-te unui excroc nerusinat.

multi vor sa-si impuna stilul facand chestia chic, chestia hip, chestia trendy, chestia balans din cur la fix, chestia tensionata... plina de scop, gratioasa care este in... chestia incordata, patrunsa....sexul este afara sexul este in....stanga dreapta.....

e nemuritor si nu e pentru voi (louise bogan)


[Ultimele cuvinte din western lands, ultima carte a lui bill burroughs.]

inavuteste-te. dormi pana la pranz. si fute-i pe toti.

omul ramane un produs final. nu pentru ca e apogeul perfectiunii si nu pentru ca pana si god almighty ar fi spus cu emotie in glas "nu-l puteam face mai bine" ci tocmai ca e un esec lamentabil, o fundatura biologica, un experiment nereusit.

nu s-a vazut inca niciodata ciuma fara sa apara mai intai un june zdrentaros si imputit care bea ca un caine din fantana satului si apoi se duce mai departe.
(Gunther de Brandenburg, cronicar medieval)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Alice pe romaneste

cateva cantece pe romaneste de pe vinilul de zile mari cu Alice, o piatra de incercare pentru orice copil nascut prin anii 80:

"Eu sunt o fetitza, ma cheama Alice,
Si unchiul meu Charles o carte a scris
Dar eu inca-s mica si nu stiu precis
Aievea sunt toate sau vis …"

iepurele alb:

” Ce-ntamplare-ntamplatoare
S-a-ntamplat din intamplare
C-am plecat de la plecare
sa ma plimb intr-o plimbare
Sa ma plimb intr-o plimbare
Ce-ntamplare, ce-ntamplare…

Poate ceasul sau compasul
poate pasul sau popasul
poate poate poate poate
sa raspunda cine poate?
poate poti din intamplare
sa raspunzi la inrebare…


” Gradinari mai iscusiti
Nu cautati ca n-o sa gasiti
Mesteri mai mari ca la Palat
Nicaieri nu s-au aflat
Toarna apa
Toarna apa
Nici o buruiana nu ne scapa
Ha Ha”

Saturday, May 12, 2007

alice strikes again: quotes for Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Cheshire Cat: Oh, by the way, if you'd really like to know, he went that way.
Alice: Who did?
Cheshire Cat: The White Rabbit.
Alice: He did?
Cheshire Cat: He did what?
Alice: Went that way.
Cheshire Cat: Who did?
Alice: The White Rabbit.
Cheshire Cat: What rabbit?
Alice: But didn't you just say - I mean - Oh, dear.

White Rabbit: [singing] I'm late / I'm late / For a very important date. / No time to say "Hello." / Goodbye. / I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

Alice: If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Cheshire Cat: If I were looking for a white rabbit, I'd ask the Mad Hatter.
Alice: The Mad Hatter? Oh, no no no...
Cheshire Cat: Or, you could ask the March Hare, in that direction.
Alice: Oh, thank you. I think I'll see him...
Cheshire Cat: Of course, he's mad, too.
Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.
Cheshire Cat: Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here.
[Laughs maniacally; starts to disappear]
Cheshire Cat: You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.

Doorknob: Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.

Alice: It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change.

March Hare: I have an excellent idea, LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT.

Queen of Hearts: Off with their heads.

Queen of Hearts: Who's been painting my roses red? WHO'S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED? /Who dares to taint / With vulgar paint / The royal flower bed? / For painting my roses red / Someone will lose his head.
Card Painter: Oh please, your majesty, please! It's all his fault!
Card Painter: Not me, your grace! The ace, the ace!
Queen of Hearts: You?
Card Painter: No, two!
Queen of Hearts: The two, you say?
Card Painter: Not me! The three!
Queen of Hearts: That's enough! Off with their heads!

Mad Hatter: Would you like a little more tea?
Alice: Well, I haven't had any yet, so I can't very well take more.
March Hare: Ah, you mean you can't very well take less.
Mad Hatter: Yes. You can always take more than nothing.

Dodo: Ahoy, and other nautical expressions!

Tweedle Dum: If you think we're waxworks, you ought to pay, you know.
Tweedle Dee: Contrarywise, if you think we're alive you ought to speak to us.
Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum: That's logic.

Dormouse: Twinkle twinkle, little bat / How I wonder where you're at? / Up above the world so high / Like a tea tray in the sky.

Alice: Oh, pooh. I'm not afraid of you. Why, you're nothing but a pack of cards.

Alice: Unbirthday? I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand.
March Hare: It's very simple. Now, thirty days has Septem -No. wait... An unbirthday, if you have a birthday, then you -
March Hare: She doesn't know what an unbirthday is.

Alice: Curiouser and curiouser.

Mad Hatter: Oh yes mustard! That'll do... Mustard? Don't let's be silly. Now lemon, that's different...

Alice: I'm sorry I interrupted your birthday party.
March Hare: Why my dear child this is not a birthday party.
Mad Hatter: Heavens no. This is an unbirthday party.

Mad Hatter: Clean cup, clean cup. Move down.

Queen of Hearts: I warn you dear child, if I lose my temper, you lose your head. Understand?

[after they have restrained the Dormouse]
March Hare: Ah thank goodness! Those are the things that upset me!
March Hare: See all the trouble you started?
Alice: But I didn't think...
March Hare: Ah, that's just it. If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk.

Alice: Better read it first, for if one drinks much from a bottle marked "Poison", it's almost certain to disagree with one sooner or later.

Caterpillar: Who... are... you?
Alice: Why, I hardly know, sir. I've changed so much since this morning, you see...
Caterpillar: I do not see. Explain yourself.
Alice: I'm afraid I can't explain myself, you see, because I'm not myself, you know.
Caterpillar: I do not know.
Alice: I can't put it any more clearly, sir, because it isn't clear to me.

Mad Hatter: Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Alice: Riddles? Now let me see... why is a raven like a writing desk?
Mad Hatter: I beg your pardon?
Alice: Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Mad Hatter: [alarmed] Why is a what?
March Hare: Careful, she's stark ravin' mad!
Alice: But it's your silly riddle. You just said...
Mad Hatter: Easy, don't get excited!
March Hare: How about a nice cup of tea?
Alice: "Have a cup of tea," indeed! Well I'm sorry, but I just haven't the time!

Mad Hatter: No wonder you're late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.

Alice: In my world, the books would be nothing but pictures.

Alice: Curiosity often leads to trouble.

Alice: I simply must get through!
Doorknob: Sorry, you're much too big. Simply impassible.
Alice: You mean impossible?
Doorknob: No, impassible. Nothing's impossible.

White Rabbit: Why, Mary Ann! What are you doing out here?
Alice: Mary Ann?
White Rabbit: Don't just do something, stand there... Uh... no no! Go go! Go get my gloves! I'm late!
Alice: But late for what? That's just what I...
White Rabbit: My gloves!
[Blows trumpet]
White Rabbit: At once, do you hear!
Alice: Goodness. I suppose I'll be taking orders from Dinah next.

Caterpillar: By the way, I have a few more helpful hints. One side will make you grow taller...
Alice: One side of what?
Caterpillar: ...and the other side will make you grow shorter.
Alice: The other side of what?

Alice: I was sitting on the riverbank with uh... with you know who...
Mad Hatter: I DO?
Alice: I mean my C-A-T.
Mad Hatter: Tea?
March Hare: [slices a tea cup in half] Just half a cup, if you don't mind.

Mad Hatter: Do you care for tea?
Alice: Why, yes. I'm very fond of tea.
March Hare: If you don't care for tea, you could at least make polite conversation!

Alice: When I get home I shall write a book about this place... If I ever do get home.

Cheshire Cat: All ways here you see, are the QUEEN'S WAYS!
Alice: But I've never met any queen.
Cheshire Cat: You haven't? You haVEN'T? Oh, but you must! She'll be mad about you, simply mad!
Alice: How can I find her?
Cheshire Cat: Well, some go this way, some go that way. But as for me, myself, personally, I prefer the shortcut.

Cheshire Cat: You know? We could make her *really* angry! Shall we try?
Alice: Oh, no, no!
Cheshire Cat: Oh, but it's loads of fun!

Alice: [as a giant] And as for you, your majesty! Your majesty indeed! Why, you're not a queen,
Alice: You're just a fat, pompous, bad tempered old ty...
[normal size]
Alice: tyrant...
Queen of Hearts: [giggles] And uh, just what were you saying, my dear?
Cheshire Cat: Why, she simply said that you're a fat, pompous, bad tempered old tyrant!

Queen of Hearts: Now then, are you ready for your sentence?
Alice: But there has to be a verdict first.
Queen of Hearts: Sentence first! Verdict afterwards.
Alice: But that just isn't the way.
Queen of Hearts: [shouting] All ways are...!
Alice: ...your ways, your Majesty.

Alice: Why, why you're a cat!
Cheshire Cat: A *Cheshire* Cat.
[starts to disappear]
Cheshire Cat: All mimsy were the borogroves...
Alice: Oh wait!
Cheshire Cat: [reappears] There you are! Third chorus...
Alice: Oh, no, no. I was just wondering if you could help me find my way.
Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to.
Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as...
Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go.

King of Hearts: What do you know about this unfortunate affair?
March Hare: Nothing.
Queen of Hearts: Nothing whatever?
March Hare: Nothing whatever!
Queen of Hearts: [shouts] That's very important! Jury, write that down!

Queen of Hearts: Now, where do you come from?
Alice: Well, I'm trying to find my way home...
Queen of Hearts: Your way? All ways here are my ways!
Alice: Yes, I know, but I was just thinking...
Queen of Hearts: Curtsy while you're thinking. It saves time.
Alice: [curtsying] Yes, Your Majesty, but I just wanted to ask you...
Queen of Hearts: I'll ask the questions! Do you play croquet?
Alice: Why, yes, Your Majesty.
Queen of Hearts: Then let the game begin!

White Rabbit: Her Imperial Highness, Her Grace, Her Excelency, Her Royal Majesty, the Queen of Hearts!
[Crowd cheers]
White Rabbit: ... And the King.
Voice in crowd: Hooray!

Alice: Well, it all started when I was sitting on the river bank with Dinah.
March Hare: Very interesting - Who's Dinah?
[Pants lasciviously]
Alice: Oh, Dinah's my cat. You see...
Dormouse: Cat? CAT!

Alice: Of all the silly nonsense, this is the stupidest tea party I've ever been to in all my life.

Orchid: To put it bluntly, a weed.

White Rabbit: Your Majesty, members of the jury, loyal subjects... and the King... the prisoner at the bar stands accused of enticing Her Majesty, the Queen of Hearts, into a game of croquet, thereby and with malice of forethought, molesting, tormenting, and otherwise annoying our beloved...
Queen of Hearts: Never mind all that! Get to the part where I lose my temper.
White Rabbit: ...thereby causing the Queen to lose her temper.

Queen of Hearts: And who is this?
King of Hearts: Let me see, my dear. It's certainly not a heart. Do you suppose it's a club?

King of Hearts: Rule 42: All persons more than a mile high must leave the court immediately.
Alice: I am not a mile high, and I'm not leaving.
Queen of Hearts: Sorry. Rule 42, you know.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

my performances

there are some photos from old performances at this link

i've rediscovered it a few minutes ago...enjoy

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Alice ?!?!


din pacate o mana criminala a omorat acest spectacol...glumesc...il vom face totusi, numai ca nu acum, poate nu ii venise timpul...si mai trebuia gandit... ce mai poate baga in gura personajul meu? cumn pot atrage atentia asupra gurii? cum intervine svankmajer in tot acest discurs despre gura?
sunt tot mai multe intrebari care se aduna in aceasta pauza competitionala....
mai pun cateva imagini, dc mai gasesc ceva folositor acum pe calc
numai din astea sadice am gasit, ma rog...very inspiring, imi vine sa ii smulg limba si sa i-o dau
sa o manace, foarte teatral, n-am ce zice


more photos for Salome, different readings, take out what i can....


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