Saturday, December 29, 2007

Boys and their plastic toys

Say no to GUNS! the whole imaginary argument is such a hoax. give them a pink truck or a barbie doll and their imagination will trully explode :)

an article from BBC News, Toy weapons 'help boys to learn'

Friday, December 21, 2007

by Bertolt Brecht

Bad Time for Poetry

Yes, I know: only the happy man
Is liked. His voice

Is good to hear. His face is handsome.

In my poetry a rhyme

Would seem to me almost insolent.

Inside me contend

Delight at the apple tree in blossom

And horror at the house-painter’s speeches.

But only the second

Drives me to my desk.

Changing the Wheel

I sit by the roadside

The driver changes the wheel.

I do not like the place I have come from.

I do not like the place I am going to.

Why with impatience do I

Watch him changing the wheel?

from Letter to the Actor Charles Laughton

Concerning the Work on the Play

The Life of Galileo

Again and again I turned actor, demonstrating

A character’s gestures and tone of voice, and you

Turned writer. Yet neither I nor you

Stepped outside his proffesion.

I, the Survivor

I know of course: it’s simply luck

That I’ve survived so many friends. But last night in a dream

I heard those friends say of me: ‘Survival of the fittest’

And I hated myself.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm going to the doctor

this time...

by William S. Burroughs

Burroughs as Dr. Benway
The lavatory has been locked for three hours solid…. I think they are using it for an operating room….

NURSE: 'I can’t find her pulse, doctor.'

DR. BENWAY: 'Maybe she got it up her snatch in a finger stall.'

NURSE: 'Adrenalin, doctor?'

DR. BENWAY: 'The night porter shot it all up for kicks.' He looks around and picks up one of those rubber vacuum cups at the end of a stick they use to unstop toilets…. He advances on the patient…. 'Make an incision, Doctor Limpf,' he says to his appalled assistant…. 'I’m going to massage the heart.'

Dr. Limpf shrugs and begins the incision. Dr. Benway washes the suction cup by swishing it around in the toilet-bowl….

NURSE: 'Shouldn’t it be sterilized, doctor?'

DR. BENWAY: 'Very likely but there’s no time.' He sits on the suction cup like a cane seat watching his assistant make the incision…. 'You young squirts couldn’t lance a pimple without an electric vibrating scalpel with automatic drain and suture…. Soon we’ll be operating by remote control on patients we never see…. We’ll be nothing but button pushers. All the skill is going out of surgery…. All the know-how and make-do… Did I ever tell you about the time I performed an appendectomy with a rusty sardine can? And once I was caught short without instrument one and removed a uterine tumor with my teeth. That was in the Upper Effendi, and besides…'

DR. LIMPF: 'The incision is ready, doctor.'

Dr. Benway forces the cup into the incision and works it up and down. Blood spurts all over the doctors, the nurse and the wall…. The cup makes a horrible sucking sound.

NURSE: 'I think she’s gone, doctor.'

DR. BENWAY: 'Well, it’s all in the day’s work.' He walks across the room to a medicine cabinet…. 'Some fucking drug addict has cut my cocaine with Saniflush! Nurse! Send the boy out to fill this RX on the double!'

photo from here

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

not to survive

Dear goddess

Crash into the crystalline damp of the full moon

Offer naturalist opium

Cancel the apocalypse

And buy me a drink

How much is gonna cost to slaughter a mirror?

Earth-core makes my throat sore

I can quote any pop artist:

Death and destruction

Asthma – just a touch

Paranoia – just a touch

Valley of death – just a touch

Sensationalism – just a touch

Who wants to be a decoy?

Plenty of mucus in bronchial tubes

Fragments of glass in the sea

I am not bullet proof

I want to buy some hard liquor

Based on crimes and lies

Our writing sleeps


Discuss our tactics

To fight the mirror

I see the moon

In the valley of extraterrestrial activities

Be feel indulge

Ongoing depression

Unsuitable anthology of madness


Ballad for Bad Boys

I expect brutality and exploitation to appear

Bad Boys

One case in point:

Todesfuge – sleep with the machinery

Plain looking caftans and flowing skirts

Going along with an old hat input

Sex kittens

In a courtroom drama

I would choose not to survive


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