Friday, June 22, 2007


ROstalgia does not represent a desire to return to the the austere times of the eighties. it is a return to my childhood. It is nostalgia for a time when people had dreams and were hopeful. When people dreamt about crossing frontiers to wonderland. The Danube represented a border to freedom and land of neverending hope. from my little town in the south of romania, i could see serbian villages as a different world that i couldn't quite understand, a world of MTV, cartoons, comercials to tasty products and cartoons, lots of cartoons. Now, that we live in this world, the changes we dreamt of have turned into materiality but the taste of freedom remains eighties'ish somehow....

Science and Garbage (2003) by Pierre Herbert and Bob Ostertag

2003 - Pierre Herbert and Bob Ostertag perform together in Science and Garbage, a highly political Brechtian performance, where music and images are made out of coca cola cans and toy trucks, plastic toys like monkeys, frogs, penguins, soldiers, trains, tanks and planes, rubber ducks, apples, M&Ms, chips, lettuce and German newspapers. Sounds are created mainly by eating and drinking very close to the microphone and then looping and mixing them. Disturbing incredibly ironic, images of Bush and Iraqi victims are hunting the viewer, all in connection to trivial goods of a consumerist society.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


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