Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Your dad knew about irony before you did

The fatherly source of irony
Your dad knew about irony before you did and he had “Le...:

Your dad knew about irony before you did and he had “Le Car” to prove it. For $300 and a half roll of mint Lifesavers, he purchased rolling satire. His “chariot” cemented his place as “The Most Ironic Man in the World” because he bought a car that wasn’t a car, but called itself a car by writing car on the car. He was a visionary of irony that liked everything everyone else hated so once he made it popular he could hate on it and say he liked it before it was cool. He liked disco in the 60’s, hair metal in the 70’s, and wore Clarkston High School track shirts even though he’d never ran and didn’t go to that school. Everything he has ever done has been ironic, including loving you. 

So hipsters, in 2012 when you’re claiming that you voted for Rick Perry after the elections and saying that it was cool because nobody else did it or growing a mustache and refusing to admit that it doesn’t look terrible, remember this…

Your dad is so ironic that after spending his entire youth rebelling against his father the most ironic thing he could do was become him by having you and being a dad himself (which is also the same track you’re currently on, and yet another example of something else he did before you).

Thanks to Jessica for today’s awesome submission via the Facebook fan page. 

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