Saturday, March 27, 2010

white supremacy and hip hop

Parazitii (the most popular Romanian hip hop band) collaborated with Raekwon of Wu-Tang on their album "Slalom printre cretini" and opened the Wu Tang concert in Bucharest (2006). In 2010 Cheloo (one of the leading members) appears in a video wearing a Tshirt with "white and proud 14" with a direct connection to the neo-nazi David Lane and "The Order". Roma Civic Alliance reacted legally against this. Cheloo responded: "White and proud is correct. I like the color of my skin. Everyday I feel good because I am white. It is not right to be attacked for this. I am totally offended." No misinterpretations here.

Since Wu Tang has collaborated with this person in the past, should they have any reaction to this situation? How do white supremacists associate themselves with anti-racist popular figures in the first place? Is artistic success sufficient to erase radically-different ideological  positions? So many questions...

and a link to the news (in Romanian).


Aurora. said...

I get what Cheloo means. I am also white and proud to be white(and also from Romania), but I don`t hate people of other colors and I respect them, even living in my country, as long as they respect me.
Anyway, the kind of hip hop that Parazitii make in this country is unbeatable and unfortunately not understood by foreigners, and I don`t mean the language, their message is more about our country, our stupid government and so on, stuff you would understand only if you were to have lived here.
Here`s a link to their newest video: ; and Cheloo is wearing the same t-shirt as he wore in the last video, just as a response to the ones that previously wanted to censure him; I am sure this video is not going to be on TV, like so many of their videos(and not because of the shirt; our televisions don`t put good music on TV, there has recently been a somewhat revival of hip hop, but not at a large scale like is needed); it`s really sad what`s happening in Romania today, I don`t know what country you`re from, I presume US, I guess things are better there.


Aurora. said...

Aaa, scuze. Acum am vazut ca esti roman, nu ma uitasem la rubrica aia despre blogger. Sper ca e bine acolo unde esti tu.
Oricum, noi nu ne oprim, speram sa mai salvam ceva:
Toate cele bune!


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