Monday, October 19, 2009

Stop thinking?

In this ad from Wrangler men who are looking to pump up their hegemonic masculinity are encouraged not to think because as they say it : "we are animals". I always thought that (critical) thinking was seen in late capitalism as a queer or feminine trait, a big No in face of re/production, efficiency, control or consumerism. Something that has to be stopped or discouraged. "Being a smart guy"/ "Thinking too much" / "Reading is boring" / "Too much theory" are definitely phrases that represent worries connected to a crisis of masculinity. Now the lack of thinking is taken un-subliminally as a marketing message to sell some products for male audiences in search of their lost masculinities. What do you think about it?

1 comment:

literelibere said...

Daca gandesti prea mult apar si intrebarile asupra propriei tale conditii. O profunzime evitata si declarata primejdioasa in zilele noastre...


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