I was reading today this
article on Une Femme Plus Courageuse's blog and my curiousity made me check my facebook pieces of flair application for rape content. I was using pieces of flair for a while and it had some pretty smart jokes. totally funny. but what about this rape issue that is so big today? it looks like all those chuck norris jokes that were everywhere dissapeared and now there is something funny about rape. where am i standing towards all this? i try to reveal the mechanism of my critique: i often hear that feminists have no sense of humour, they don't get a joke and anyway feminist political corectness is so uncool that you can't even mention something related to it in non-academic circles if you don't want to get a mocking attitude from the joker and an embaressment comment from your good friend host-of-the-party. and why is that? well, first of all jokes are anyway innocent, somehow universal and there can be only good and bad jokes, never offensive ones. the offended is probably a square head that doesn't get it anyway, so don't bother about this type of characters. I have to say that i do not go with this essentialist explination for a number of reasons: rape jokes come with a bigger ironic discourse on protecting patriarchal practices, jokes construct social hierarchies and let's face it, inocent jokes coming from nowhere are not so innocent after all. The ideological game of relating to any form of reality is highly connected to the imaginary present in jokes: the consensus of what is reality is not much of a matter of rational agreement but more of an imaginary affirmation, a form of misrecognition. This type of misrecognition is exemplified by the rape joke: the ideological-distorted reality of the rape is epitomized by the usage of a mysoginistic dominant fiction. and the fictionalized content that makes reality is thrown straight into the popular culture and on facebook. The misrecognition of the rape is ideologically constructed to deny its existance and make it a joke, ie illusory, a made-up story and not a possible bearer of reality. And that's not funny at all.
some random examples of rape-friendly pieces of flair, there are plenty more:

1 comment:
statistically..only 9 out of 10 people enjoy Gang Rape
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